I'd say... fuck these boots off. There's a slim chance that they'll be up to the standard of something properly made. You want good construction with durable soles and a proper goodyear welt so that they can be repaired over and over. And uppers in leather that'll last - get better even - with age. The leather on those looks underwhelming. I'll happily concede if I'm wrong, but they look like fashion boots and a bad investment, even at £145 (and I say that as a humble idiot who bought good boots then had to rebuy them in the right size).
Yeah I see your point. I'm not that bothered about investment as I've got too many other costs going on right now, a decent new suit being among them, but could stretch to £145. I'll probably just make sure I look after my loakes and just wear them. It's the snow and sleet I'm worried about though...
Thoughts on these? I quite fancy a solid pair (these have a dainite sole and look sturdy) for winter as I'm hoping not to totally destroy my loake bedales in the inevitably horrible Glasgow winter.