• Thanks guys - sorry we were delayed as said this is all free time work so if we lag on getting back to you shoot us a message on twitter and we will get on it.

    @TW what you have described is helpful and appreciated. How we would go about doing this scraping in a non-manual way we would be very interested to find out. If there are any entry level sources you can point us to we will see if we can implement.

    @bothwell I have the audio and slides from Tuesday still to work through but I will upload when I get to it so you can hear from the lead investigators mouth that this is not a stick a plaster (helmet) on it study. Also thanks for raising it to the mods.
    Again on road safe we will follow this up. I wonder what the data retention/protection policy will be on these submissions. On the form it does state that the contact information will not be passed onto anyone else if they apply this policy to all the data we will struggle to access it.
