• #6727
IMAP is the preferred standard... I'd suggest archiving emails older than x to a separate area that doesn't require constant syncing.
Does she use multiple machines? If not, then consider moving to POP and managing things offline (with backup)... this will reduce you server requests (I think).
You need an IT person for proper advice really...
• #6728
Are you sure it's the app and not the mail server causing the problems?
• #6729
@DaveH Well TSO are telling me it's the app, I think it might be the mail server - but then again she seems to the be the only person on that mail server having that many problems.
@JonoMarshall , she is working between 2x computers and a phone (plus ipad etc) so IMAP is pretty much essential.
• #6731
My father in law has this every time he opens safari. Says he has to force quit, but it remains when Safari reopened. Any ideas how he can get rid? Cheers
1 Attachment
• #6732
Is he getting Safari to reopen with windows that were there when he closed it? If so, from the menubar:
Safari > Preferences
... and then in General change the top selection box, 'Safari opens with', to 'A New Window'
If not, it might be a malicious plugin/extension that he has mistakenly installed? Try disabling all plugins in the Security tab of the same preferences menu, disabling and removing all extensions in the Security tab of the same preferences menu and remove all website data.
• #6733
Just got 16gb ram in my 13" mbp (early 2011), anyone after the 2x4gb that came out? If you're running 4gb ram now, 8 will make a huge differene
This spec: http://eu.crucial.com/eur/en/macbook-pro-%2813-inch%2C-late-2011%29/CT3373721
• #6734
Many thanks... Will get him to check that
• #6735
So 5K iMac then......
and a new spec mac mini with potentially a cheaper price
• #6736
Both things are pretty exciting; would love to work on the 5k imac; its not that pricey tbh
• #6737
They've ruined the mac mini.
No more quad core and soldered in RAM. To upgrade to 16gb is nearly £200!
• #6738
probably been hashed over a zillion times but whats the deal with using 16GB of ram in MBPs that apple claim will only handle 8? are they just erring to caution?
• #6739
Didn't realise the RAM was non-upgradable, the processor is only 1.4ghz too, so although it's cheaper your getting a lot less for your money.
• #6740
Woooo soldered on RAM is shit as hell! What a shame... also a shame they lack quad core...
Retina iMAc looks like a must buy though... going to see how the first batch go down then grab a maxxed out one. Pretty excited.
• #6741
Balls. Are we going to have to wait for the miniaturist vogue to die out before we can upgrade our own ram again?
Maybe ram needs to catch up and miniaturise as well. They can fit 128GB of SD card onto a thumbnail, let's get some tiny tiny ram.
• #6742
This is why I'm happy I purchased a non-retina MBP. Maxed out the Ram to 16gb for about 50 quid. I do have screen envy though, I must admit.
• #6743
Just gone back to my old 2011 13" MBP after using a retina one for a while. Speed wise it's not much difference after giving it 16gb ram and an ssd, but I do miss the screen everywhere but in photoshop.
• #6744
Can a macbook air ram be upgraded?
• #6746
Shame about the mini, been waiting for a new one for ages, looks like they couldn't be arsed. iMac is tasty, though I've just bout two camera bodies, so might have to wait a little while before I get that!
• #6747
I'm sure this has been covered many times, but can anyone advise on upgrading to SSD on my macbook pro? A friend of mine has swapped out his disc drive for one, and I'm concerned my tired old laptop is about to go caput, so would like to give that ago. Any help appreciated...
• #6748
its really really easy, ifixit guides are normally the best, make sure you have the right screwdrivers (torx)
• #6749
I was going to ask you @rogan, but thought it might have been like someone asking me to recommend a good helmet for riding a bike, same toilet block, but different gender sort of thing. I have a big tool kit for phones, which hopefully will cover the same bases. Any recommendations on which one to get?
• #6750
Cheapest samsung/intel/crucial in the size you want,
i normally give corsair and ocz a miss but thats off a few years old experiences, may have changed now. HUKD is probably the best place to have a search!
Mac thread - I have a question.
I have a client who is a very heavy email user - she has over 300 IMAP folders on her mail server and no real chance of thinning that down given her workload. The problem is, Mac Mail app seems to be struggling with handling this many folders and regularly disconnects from the server meaning that she is constantly deleting/re-adding the account just to read her email.
What is the best solution here? Is there an app she can use which will cope with this better?