The negative rhetoric is absolutely depressing, but remember it comes from a place of fear - people are afraid they'll lose money, they're afraid they'll lose time, they're afraid they'll lose their freedom. It's a natural reaction to be afraid of change, and that councils are trying these things out anyway, even with the waves of fear rippling throughout their boroughs, is hopefully a sign that they're going to base their approaches on data rather instead of wailing and gnashing of teeth.
All true, and I do hope there's some money in the kitty for a data-driven approach. As I said further up, I suspect that a majority of the residential population is already in favour of filtering, and of course people will realise the startling effect is has on peace and quiet and air quality once it's in. The interesting question will be how it plays out electorally, i.e. will it become an election-deciding issue just as car parking has been in Camden and Islington in the last ten years? I think that car parking is likely to be a much more emotive issue than restraint of through motor traffic. Fingers crossed that that proves true.
It does feel very far away, I know what you mean. But then again, it seems a little nearer than it used to, and that the mini-Holland scheme has even been seriously proposed in the first place, let alone been bid for by 20 separate Boroughs(!) is a really positive sign. So too are the cycle superhighways, shit though they are - it's an initial attempt to bring more options to people than sitting in traffic jams all day.
The negative rhetoric is absolutely depressing, but remember it comes from a place of fear - people are afraid they'll lose money, they're afraid they'll lose time, they're afraid they'll lose their freedom. It's a natural reaction to be afraid of change, and that councils are trying these things out anyway, even with the waves of fear rippling throughout their boroughs, is hopefully a sign that they're going to base their approaches on data rather instead of wailing and gnashing of teeth.
This is where your positive psychology text would come in handy!