A few bits left over from a bike split and some other stuff I have lying around not being used.
Ran out of daylight and couldn't get decent photos of the wheels so will add more soon.
H+Son TB14s on Novatec hubs, Sapim Race spokes. 32 hole, 3x lacing, Campag 9/10 speed freehub.
These were bought new from DCR wheels last year and ridden for a total of about 60 dry miles so are in near new condition. £220 > now £210 > now £200> now £190
SR Sakae Custom Road Champion Bars 38cm across the tops, 42 across the drops. 25.4 clamp. Includes 90mm Biba quill stem and fizik tape. Some scratches from use but overall the condition is good. £35 > now £30 > now £25 > now £20
A few bits left over from a bike split and some other stuff I have lying around not being used.
Ran out of daylight and couldn't get decent photos of the wheels so will add more soon.
H+Son TB14s on Novatec hubs, Sapim Race spokes. 32 hole, 3x lacing, Campag 9/10 speed freehub.
These were bought new from DCR wheels last year and ridden for a total of about 60 dry miles so are in near new condition. £220 > now £210 > now £200> now £190
SR Sakae Custom Road Champion Bars 38cm across the tops, 42 across the drops. 25.4 clamp. Includes 90mm Biba quill stem and fizik tape. Some scratches from use but overall the condition is good. £35 > now £30 > now £25 > now £20
Collection from SE4 or W1. Cheers.