Yes, yes and yes.
But, ONLY if I instantiate Date object with Today, then ONLY setting the time before converting from UTC to local.If you're truly only passing the time to your Date object then you're doing it wrong and of course your code will fail. If you instigate that date object with the event date and time then your system clock is NOT relevant. It is the event date that decides whether it converts to BST or GMT
Argh! Doing my head in.
There are no other assumptions in the questions, no hidden information, nothing more to know... just those things. No ifs, no buts. Don't assume anything else, each question is the totality of information you have, and there is nothing more than what is stated in each question.
#1 Happens when they create an event.
#2 Happens when they view the event immediately after creating it.
#3 Happens when they view the same event in 3 weeks time, after DST has changed.