• #2
Welcome round and collect today or will be uptown tomorrow
near Condor Cycles in the late afternoon/evening if interested
in any of the above...Cheers! cc
• #3
All still available...
Cheers! cc
• #4
If interested in any of the Mercatone Uno caps I will hopefully be popping over to Vauxhall area (Bar Estrela - South Lambeth Rd) tomorrow (Thursday 26th June) to watch our last abysmal performance against Ghana before we bow out of the World Cup Competition. Heading for 3.30ish til 7ish...
You welcome to join and collect a cap for £4!
Um abraço! cc
• #5
- Schwalbe tyres - all black - SOLD
Will be in London Bridge Saturday morning if anyone is interested in any caps or musettes... cheers! cc
- Schwalbe tyres - all black - SOLD
• #6
Bump... Working uptown just off Leicester Sq if interested in any of the above. PM me. Cheers! cc
• #7
Bump... will be uptown tomorrow afternoon near 'The Mall' to see the finish of the 'Tour de France'. Cheers! cc
• #8
Plenty of caps and Musettes... will be uptown on Friday... cheers! cc
• #9
Bump! Tyres still for sale. PM if anyone interested. Cheers! cc
• #10
Bump, endless more cheap tyres for sale and will post a pic tomorrow. Cheers! cc
• #11
Bump! Plenty more tyres available and will be uptown hopefully tomorrow... AnyOne interested pm me... Pairs of tyres from £7-10. Cheers cc
Schwalbe tyres black, musettes, caps
**1. **Schwalbe tyres - all black - SOLD
(One looks very good the other has a little wear with a tiny
cut which has been patched up and good to use).
**2. **Garmin musettes - £4 (post - UK £1 extra)
3. Cycling caps - £4 each (post - UK £1 extra)
(All except one are green, white, red, one only is mainly blue).
Collect in Lee SE12 or can post at extra cost. Will be uptown on Monday near Condor Cycles on Monday evening.
Cheers! cc
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