During the last elections, one of the lib dem candidates' major policies in Harringay was to offer 30 minutes free parking in order to keep the local high street alive.
I questioned this and asked for what evidence they had that the main custom was from motorists (particularly given that the area is served by 4 bus routes, two overground stations and and two train stations) but the only evidence they came back to me with was anecdotal from the local press.
There's a living streets study knocking around that suggests that cutting down on motorists won't necessarily badly affect shops, etc but there seems to be little research in this area even though lots of movement is happening around it.
During the last elections, one of the lib dem candidates' major policies in Harringay was to offer 30 minutes free parking in order to keep the local high street alive.
I questioned this and asked for what evidence they had that the main custom was from motorists (particularly given that the area is served by 4 bus routes, two overground stations and and two train stations) but the only evidence they came back to me with was anecdotal from the local press.
There's a living streets study knocking around that suggests that cutting down on motorists won't necessarily badly affect shops, etc but there seems to be little research in this area even though lots of movement is happening around it.