I love cheese too but Cheddar on a Pizza sounds grim, although I make a grilled aubergine and smoked cheese (Applewood) pizza which is I'm quite keen on.
I use grated Parmesan and Moz on all, then add toppings accordingly. Going to try Blue cheese, Roast Beetroot and Walnut this eve. Trying to stick to very English toppings.
Will add some pics later.
For smoked cheese... Scamorza are great. You can even get it in m&s these days #thuglyf Soft smoked mozzarella can be a bit strange but this is a dried, harder, cows milk smoked moz. Sliced thin on pizza = amazing texture, subtle smokiness.
Thanks will look into these cheeses...so best to mix mozarella with say a cheddar? Cool.
Ha actually am a big fan of cheeses! Come on im allowed at least one guilty pleasure!