I only ever use rags, never bandages, not sure why...
Top tip- Carry loads of spare clothes. You can put things inside the clothes you carry. I have a spare Gorka jacket and trousers and they take up 4 slots each but can hold 6. I think you have to drop the item to get at the items within the items (Yo Dawg) but as long as you dont put stuff you'll need in a hurry in them (rags) it'll be all good.
I think we need to save @Vesalius. He gave me loads of kit for no good reason last night, pretty much stitched himself up, then ate the raw stake I put on the fire. I might be on Sunday or Monday so will hunt out some charcoal tabs and try and get to you!
I only ever use rags, never bandages, not sure why...
Top tip- Carry loads of spare clothes. You can put things inside the clothes you carry. I have a spare Gorka jacket and trousers and they take up 4 slots each but can hold 6. I think you have to drop the item to get at the items within the items (Yo Dawg) but as long as you dont put stuff you'll need in a hurry in them (rags) it'll be all good.
I think we need to save @Vesalius. He gave me loads of kit for no good reason last night, pretty much stitched himself up, then ate the raw stake I put on the fire. I might be on Sunday or Monday so will hunt out some charcoal tabs and try and get to you!