I was certainly riding a little quickly, but at the same time filtering and being exposed suddenly does usually make me want to up
my speed, so I can get past ASAP and back to 'safer' parts of the
road. I wasn't that annoyed by the maneuver, just the attitude of the
van driver. Drivers hate filtering as it reminds them of their own
limitations, even in the mighty, godlike motorcar that should be
I suppose they want us toi sit politely behind them, in congestion
that have 0% to do with us
I'm by no means having a go at you, and the fact they were emerging from the right, not the left means that you were much more visible, and so they really should have seen you.
It just pays to be a little extra careful in those situations, and I agree, that van driver was a cunt.
I'm by no means having a go at you, and the fact they were emerging from the right, not the left means that you were much more visible, and so they really should have seen you.
It just pays to be a little extra careful in those situations, and I agree, that van driver was a cunt.