I am not a coach so am willing to be corrected here. But I think it's mostly about bike control, coordination, rider awareness, communication. For example each rider will need to travel at different speeds as they are covering different distances. One numpty in my group on the datum line kept speeding off without realising this, for instance. Need to be watching the rest of the group, talking to each other and generally be aware of where everyone is and if the stack is staying intact or not.
I am not a coach so am willing to be corrected here. But I think it's mostly about bike control, coordination, rider awareness, communication. For example each rider will need to travel at different speeds as they are covering different distances. One numpty in my group on the datum line kept speeding off without realising this, for instance. Need to be watching the rest of the group, talking to each other and generally be aware of where everyone is and if the stack is staying intact or not.