I use one of these, reasonably comfortable I find http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B00563MDHY/
The rare times I ran in to work (a long long time ago) I left as much as could at work the day(s) before (luckily I have lockers and showers at work): shoes, t-shirt, jeans, socks, boxers, towel, shower stuff, etc. I generally have a stash of all this stuff at work anyway, in case I forget to bring stuff in with me one day.
That just left me to carry:
- 'phone
- keys (home and work)
- wallet (no wallet, I just carried £50 in emergency cash, one debit card, Oyster card and my work ID card)
These fit in an "arm wallet" (i.e. http://www.sportsdirect.com/karrimor-arm-wallet-764971?colcode=76497146) and the 'phone used as mp3 player. Nothing else to carry. No need for water on a 10km run in to work.
- 'phone
I accidentally ran 6.5 miles instead of 5.7 to work.
I ran with a little rucksack (exped cloudburst 15, if it counts for anything) to carry shirt, socks, boxers, phone, wallet etc. Does anyone else run to work? What do you carry stuff with? I leave shoes and trousers here in my locker what with cycling in anyway. I suppose at bare minimum I've got to bring phone, keys and wallet in/home with me. How do I do this?