I've looked into the reported bug, and it isn't a bug.
At the time that you have taken the screenshot the "Following" page is loading, but hasn't finished loading. The progress bar shows that your phone is barely 10% of the way through, basically waiting for a connection.
In effect... you're not viewing the menu as if you were on the Following page, you are still viewing the entirety of the older page that you were on and that is the Forums page.
When the page does complete loading, then check the burger menu and you will see that the Following tab was highlighted.
Think I've found a bug with iPhone 6 / ios8 - the burger menu doesn't highlight your choice any more so it looks as if you haven't tapped on it. Same for all pages but I can't remember if they were like that before.
Edit: so in the photo, I've tapped on 'following' and it's loading but the highlight hasn't moved.
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