• Persuaded (it wasn't too difficult - she loves me!) my girlfriend to get on a bike - she bought a Charge Plug 3 weeks ago. She's very keen although unsurprisingly a little nervous of London traffic. To help we rode out together for 2 or 3 rides - in Sunday traffic - and she managed to smile and get out of the saddle and mingle with slow moving traffic and then get away when there was space. All good. This morning she decided to cycle to work. Standing with one foot on the ground behind a car at a T junction waiting for an opportunity to pull out and suddenly the car parked on her left reverses out of the parking space bumps her back wheel and pushes her a yard or so before she tumbles under the bike. He stops - winds his window down - says sorry love and drives off. She's fine - tells me she found a voice she didn't know she had and vocab she hadn't used for some time. But WTFFFFFFFFF.....

  • Feel free to make a report to the police. They might even take notice as i) there was contact, and ii) they fucked off without providing any details.

    It may be worth having the bike checked out (unless you're ok with doing that yourself).

    Glad she's ok. A bit shit that her first experience is a bad one.
