yes, the blue/silver frame does look a little unspectacular, and a little less than radical, but it's still a nice clean, freshly painted frame, which at least fits, and feels good on the road albeit a little heavier than a light-weight;
given Fitzy Cycles are located in Central Lundun-town, guess Skinny Es -based in the still very un-salubrious Hackney Wick (!) - would probably have sold the frame for about £50 less than what i paid, so would guestimate about £200, but maybe more, it's no bother though, as i was happy to trade-in for something that was deemed to be more likely to fit (after the Santini experience!);
whilst at the Works, saw that another customer had built-up a bicycle from that rad-frame, but was less than impressed with their finished build; am left wondering whether that rad-frame might have fit after-all, hmmm...
.. but anyways, finding a frame that's the right size, for sale when you want it isn't that easy, a search of the forum last night brought up nothing classic for sale in the right size, and the new-frame examples linked-to above aren't really my thing (prefer a blue coloured frame to the Cinelli/Genesis red); did forget Brother's offerings though, but their Reynolds road frame is out-of-stock and only available in black, maybe the Kepler would be a good all-rounder, but unlikely best-suited to my likely most common usage: forum road rides,
That road frame you traded in looks truly special, the blue thing you paid up to get is truly average.
I think you need help.
How much is Eric selling that frame on for, £600?