I think that Labour bet the house on the Tories not only failing to deal with the economy, but making it worse. Now that we seem to be actually out of recession (not sure if it had anything to do with Dave though) I'm not sure they have a plan B.
It's not easy to find someone with less charisma than Dave, but in Milliband they have found someone. Perhaps Ed Balls is the leader in waiting.
This talk of English 'devolution' or whatever they are going to call it has got to be a serious threat to Labour, given their demographic.
I reckon the lib dems are utterly finished. Ukip probably aren't. Too early to call on the SNP, but they've had their one big idea come to fruition, it failed, and now they need a new reason for voters to choose them.
It's all going to be interesting next year, that's for sure.
My next questions : Any Lefties out there who think Milliband has a chance of winning the next general election?
(It is a given that I think all tories are cunts)
Now that Cameron has removed the 'toxic' Gove, do the tories have enough chutzpah to win the next election even though they are completely incompetant?
Does anyone think Clegg will be in a position to form a coalition govt next time?
Is IDS actually more 'toxic' than that awful Gove?
Did Cameron actually want Scotland to vote yes?