If you've resigned yourself to this belief then there's really no point in you contributing to any kind of political conversation, is there?
Well, there's always a conversation to be had about how we stop these avaricious, vainglorious, mendacious scumbags from doing any more damage to the country. Obviously it's an uphill struggle when a clear majority of the population actually believe politicians, or at least acts as though it does, but that's no reason to give up. Let's face it, if having the majority of the population against you were a reason to give up, neither of us would bother posting here :-)
Quite right too, let's have a vote every week until the people see sense and deliver the result you want.
Have you never heard this ancient joke:
Q. How do you know when a politician is lying?
A. Their lips move.
All politicians lie all the time. Your lot do it just as much as their lot. To suggest that the No liars were more influential than the Yes liars is not really credible.