• #2
anyone? super ratty is fine aswell
• #3
Got an Aluminium one with carbon fork, Greek custom build by Fidusa Bikes.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10424249_815730658457676_2735892336772051911_n.jpg?oh=9455aaed399f3bb47ece3e2c1eedb9f7&oe=54917703&__gda__=1417844618_137c4a8ac2f8942e34622ef11efcda77Let me know if you are interested.
• #4
I'm selling a bike for a mate check it in the sales thread, 54x54 fillet braise
and lugged sections wishbone seat stay,my photos really don't do it justice in the flesh its amazing don't know if he's gonna split yet but I know he's looking for 300 if he does -
• #5
still looking, im open to anything!, hhsb,njs,steel ,whatever
• #6
My NJS Eimei, 55.5cm c-t, 54cm c-c. Beautiful sparkly red with crazy holographic decals. Was sent as a replacement for a damaged frame they sent me. I am having the damaged one repaired and it fits me better so this one is up for sale. Price on NJSexport was $499, pretty much exactly £300, but you would have had to pay £80 shipping + £30 - £50 import tax/handling fee. I am going to sell for £300 including postage to the UK.
Pic from NJSExport plus a few of how its built at the moment below.
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• #7
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• #8
Sorry for the huge pics.
Hatta headset included by the way. Only damage is apparently a small dent on the top tube (NJS export say, but I can't find it) and the odd chip to the paint.
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• #9
sumo's njs makino is for sale in current projects
£300 budget