Just shut up. For everybody's benefit, shut up. The gap between the actual benefit of your posts on this subject and the real value is immense. I speak as somebody with both Scottish and English parents, and also as a pedant who hugely values intellecual rigour. Please just shut up, you tiresome, fatigueless, shameless, prideless ocd obsessive. Your pathetic, spiteful arguements are causing problems not only in the short term (where a victory has happened with no contribution from assholes like you) to the longer term where reconciliation requires insight of which you are clearly incapable.
It was hilarious, as much as any other denial of inequality in the British class system is.
I know what you mean about the testers. Perhaps it goes with the territory: existing in a bubble, focussed on your own goal, time and motion… (beaten to it by T-V (sounds a bit rude))