A fantastic day for democracy, the people of Scotland should be proud. I understand why so many wanted to leave, and if I was in their position I might well have wanted to as well. But now they've voted to stay - for which most people I know will be hugely grateful, please don't treat the whining of a few nasty rightwingers as representative - I'm looking forward to seeing the Scots, along with people from all over these islands, help build a fairer society and say fuck off to the Tories and UKIP. For me, the ideal situation would involve House of Lords reform, kicking out the drunken old toffs and building a proper federal upper house with strong representation of all the regions of the UK. In the short term, I hope people all over the UK inspired by the IndyRef decide to get behind Ed Miliband and Labour in the next UK election. He may not be perfect and I'm definitely not an unqualified Labour supporter, but at the next election they are the only serious chance of making progress toward a fairer society.
A fantastic day for democracy, the people of Scotland should be proud. I understand why so many wanted to leave, and if I was in their position I might well have wanted to as well. But now they've voted to stay - for which most people I know will be hugely grateful, please don't treat the whining of a few nasty rightwingers as representative - I'm looking forward to seeing the Scots, along with people from all over these islands, help build a fairer society and say fuck off to the Tories and UKIP. For me, the ideal situation would involve House of Lords reform, kicking out the drunken old toffs and building a proper federal upper house with strong representation of all the regions of the UK. In the short term, I hope people all over the UK inspired by the IndyRef decide to get behind Ed Miliband and Labour in the next UK election. He may not be perfect and I'm definitely not an unqualified Labour supporter, but at the next election they are the only serious chance of making progress toward a fairer society.