Sorry I'm not in your club guys, it's really too bad I started my foray into the forum the way I did, because you automatically dismiss my opinion. You all have very strong opinions, and act like a bunch of teenagers who are scared of being wrong.
Literally nobody really challenged any of the facts I suggested, but decided to call me out on my manner, and I guess fair enough.
I'm glad you think you can make a good espresso at home, and you can probably beat most indie coffee shops, because people in London still mostly don't even know a thing about espresso brew ratios, and a lot of people are pulling salty under extracted ristrettos.
If you can forgive my abruptness to begin with, please I encourage you to seek out more information from the businesses I mentioned earlier.
There is a lot of new coffee businesses in London, and they all have an opinion of what to do, some are being more methodical and scientific in their approach, while some are sticking to tradition or heresay. I believe in the scientific approach.
Go on spiting me if you think it will make you feel better, but id rather have a good(note, better then you have had before as an ongoing process) coffee making you feel better.
To me it's about as simple as tasting them side by side and comparing things. I dare you to cup climpsons vs workshop for example. Obviously brewing makes a difference, but it's such a small little piece in the system, it starts at the farm mannnnn
Sorry I'm not in your club guys, it's really too bad I started my foray into the forum the way I did, because you automatically dismiss my opinion. You all have very strong opinions, and act like a bunch of teenagers who are scared of being wrong.
Literally nobody really challenged any of the facts I suggested, but decided to call me out on my manner, and I guess fair enough.
I'm glad you think you can make a good espresso at home, and you can probably beat most indie coffee shops, because people in London still mostly don't even know a thing about espresso brew ratios, and a lot of people are pulling salty under extracted ristrettos.
If you can forgive my abruptness to begin with, please I encourage you to seek out more information from the businesses I mentioned earlier.
There is a lot of new coffee businesses in London, and they all have an opinion of what to do, some are being more methodical and scientific in their approach, while some are sticking to tradition or heresay. I believe in the scientific approach.
Go on spiting me if you think it will make you feel better, but id rather have a good(note, better then you have had before as an ongoing process) coffee making you feel better.
To me it's about as simple as tasting them side by side and comparing things. I dare you to cup climpsons vs workshop for example. Obviously brewing makes a difference, but it's such a small little piece in the system, it starts at the farm mannnnn