I find you saying this troubling, Dan.
If I don't post, who is the voice of dissent? Throughout this thread I'm reading a lot of lazy generalisations and patriarchal nonsense from people who profess sincere interest-why should I not respond, and how, by responding, am I 'shouting people down'?
I'm not going to re-engage with the 'debate' here so you can rest easy, but ask yourself what exactly it is you're seeking in that: a nice, cosseted and homogenously dismissive and reductive thread where all the non-Scots can get together and stroke off over their perceived 'rightness' given to them by Tory-provoked BBC press releases from big business interventions is about all I would anticipate given the tone so far.
Enjoy it.
@uber_gruber I'm not denying you the right to make the case for the Yes vote and I can see the merit in many of your arguments. Guess what? I agree that the BBC has been biased in favour of No during the campaign; that the no campaign has been conducted horrendously; and that the current political status quo does not serve the interests of the majority of Scottish (and other British) people outside a narrow elite.
What I find frustrating is that you have tried to de-legitimise any disagreement by, 1) branding the person disagreeing as ill informed and 2) denying their right to a view on the basis that they don't live in Scotland.
It isn't 'patriarchal' or 'unsubstantiated nonsense' to say that there is uncertainty over what would happen with currency and EU membership. By all means make the case for why your preferred outcomes will come about, but you can't deny the uncertainty.
You misunderstand me Gruber, I'm not saying you shouldn't make the case for Yes at all... but I've been reading this thread without posting since it began and your presence in it has been a little overbearing.
I will say however, that a lot of what you've written has been informative and you have definitely expanded my view of the debate for the better.
Has uber left the building? Does that mean this can be discussed without pro-no posters being shouted down constantly?