I got about 10hrs on South Downs Double before recharging, was on OS maps view most of the time, which is heavy, didn't use backlight even in the dark as I had Exposure Diablo on my helmet.
On a road ride down to Falmouth from here (Devon), It lasted the duration >13.5 hours I think including stops which I didn't turn it off. I just checked the maps occasionally and used Open Street Maps not OS maps, which are much less memory (therefore battery) hungry.
I got about 10hrs on South Downs Double before recharging, was on OS maps view most of the time, which is heavy, didn't use backlight even in the dark as I had Exposure Diablo on my helmet.
On a road ride down to Falmouth from here (Devon), It lasted the duration >13.5 hours I think including stops which I didn't turn it off. I just checked the maps occasionally and used Open Street Maps not OS maps, which are much less memory (therefore battery) hungry.