My first mac was a Powerbook 180 running System 7.1. I fucking loved it. Great 16 greyscale screen, 4mb ram, 40mb hard drive. The OS took up only 2mb of disc space and 800k of RAM, and did more than Windows 3.1 ever could. Loved those 68000 series machines.
By contrast the last one I bought, a PowerMac (6300) was a dog of a machine, and whether running System 8.5 or 9.1 it was utterly outclassed by a Windows 95 machine costing half the price.
The Macbook Pro retina that work gave me (running Mavericks now) is fucking brilliant and well worth the premium. Just wish the pound sign was on that pointless section key instead of the 3.
I have a PB 180 in a case, with various external bits, spare battery and power supply - all fully functional. Thing is, I just don't know what to do with it! Last time I was in Sydney I fired it up for nostalgia and then realised I couldn't actually do anything functional on it any more!
My first mac was a Powerbook 180 running System 7.1. I fucking loved it. Great 16 greyscale screen, 4mb ram, 40mb hard drive. The OS took up only 2mb of disc space and 800k of RAM, and did more than Windows 3.1 ever could. Loved those 68000 series machines.
By contrast the last one I bought, a PowerMac (6300) was a dog of a machine, and whether running System 8.5 or 9.1 it was utterly outclassed by a Windows 95 machine costing half the price.
The Macbook Pro retina that work gave me (running Mavericks now) is fucking brilliant and well worth the premium. Just wish the pound sign was on that pointless section key instead of the 3.