Been riding this for a few years but thought I would post it up.
It is a witcomb frame, not sure what steel. I am advised it is potentially one of the frames made in the USA but was reprinted with the standard British witcomb decals in place.
It has very tight crit/time trial geometry and very little clearance between back wheel and frame.
Not the lightest but has treated me well and i've had a lot of fun on it. the bike seems to perform especially well on long drags in terrible conditions.
Been riding this for a few years but thought I would post it up.
It is a witcomb frame, not sure what steel. I am advised it is potentially one of the frames made in the USA but was reprinted with the standard British witcomb decals in place.
It has very tight crit/time trial geometry and very little clearance between back wheel and frame.
Not the lightest but has treated me well and i've had a lot of fun on it. the bike seems to perform especially well on long drags in terrible conditions.
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