There's a new homebrew shop / brewer in Brixton called the beer lab. I popped in to get some hop bags. They haven't got the shop bit sorted yet, I went in the back where they had a class going on and the guy had to dig in some boxes for the bags. Might be worth ringing beforehand if you want to gets grains etc so they can get it all ready for collection.
They have a good selection of local beers for sale and the classes are £75 and they teach you how to brew four styles of beer and you get to collect some of the completed bottles after.
There's a new homebrew shop / brewer in Brixton called the beer lab. I popped in to get some hop bags. They haven't got the shop bit sorted yet, I went in the back where they had a class going on and the guy had to dig in some boxes for the bags. Might be worth ringing beforehand if you want to gets grains etc so they can get it all ready for collection.
They have a good selection of local beers for sale and the classes are £75 and they teach you how to brew four styles of beer and you get to collect some of the completed bottles after.