Those phrases are horrible, and they clash with the fact that you can already order by last commented date.
Also... "newest" includes events which have dates that are TBD, so it's not even true to say "newest first" as it's actually "planned and newest first".
I looked around the web, trying to find examples of search filters... and realised the biggest use-case is within Meetup.com, Eventbrite, Ticketmaster, Amazon (for products, etc) and so one. Event/Ticket sites, or product sites.
The big conventions are:
- "Date (up arrow|down arrow)" - used on tables
- "Date ascending|descending"
- "Date A-Z|Z-A"
All of our attempt to use "oldest" and "newest" were negated by everyone using "Date (order)". We chose the long-form words and put in the alpha descriptions for those likely to be confuddled.
- "Date (up arrow|down arrow)" - used on tables
Yep sounds good.
Also, "event ordered by date ascending (a-z)" and the other one for decsending are not intuitive.
What about "event ordered by date ascending (oldest first)"?
Not sure if that is even correct, such is the non intuitiveness.