Events: clicking the "Yes, I am attending" button does not subscribe you to its thread, so that you do not see any comments on it in the "Following" list.
This now happens.
If you attend an event, you will receive updates to the event.
Additionally we use the communication preference associated with the notification setting for event reminders... so you can set this to email and you'd receive that and comments on the event by email even if you generally did not receive comment updates via email.
Events: clicking the "Yes, I am attending" button does not subscribe you to its thread, so that you do not see any comments on it in the "Following" list. You have also to click on the "Follow" button to get those, which has surprised me and caused me to miss updates to plans (which tend to go in the follow-up posts and not the original post). I can see a reason for both buttons being there, since people may well want to follow an event even if they haven't made up their mind about attending. But I can't see why anybody would want to go on an event but not see updates. Would it not make more sense to automatically subscribe people who join an event? They can always unfollow if that is really what they want.