EB was making a little joke when he said that.
Also the No voters on my fb are very quite in comparison, they haven't said a lot and are continuing to do this.
The reason for this is because they know to expect a terrifying deluge of Yes voters descending on them to give them loads of shit. I wouldn't dare make my vote intentions known if I was eligible to vote and I felt like voting no.
In spite of this all the Yes voters on my FB timeline still manage to be continually upset at what they describe as "propaganda" from the No side.
I live in Glasgow and the Yes punters on FB are constant, in fact they are worse than that. Its every day, multiple times. I've deleted a few also as it just too much.
I think the premise of the yes campaign is good, but there is far far too much inconstancy and not enough hard confirming facts plus if we vote yes and the shit really hits the fan there is no turning back. I'm quite happy the way things are the now and don't want to risk it on something this serious so therefore i'll be voting no.
Also the No voters on my fb are very quite in comparison, they haven't said a lot and are continuing to do this.