Testing the waters here, not promising anything but it depends on what's available. Looking for a beater/rat bike for the daily commute and such for around £200 but price is negotiable depending. Would prefer some sort of Russian make, must be steel regardless, horizontal dropouts. Ratty paint is a plus but not a necessity.
ST - 56/57cm
TT - 55/55/56 cm
So that's around £200 for the complete bike, must be steel, 1" threaded, preferably something Russian, but not hugely fussy.
Testing the waters here, not promising anything but it depends on what's available. Looking for a beater/rat bike for the daily commute and such for around £200 but price is negotiable depending. Would prefer some sort of Russian make, must be steel regardless, horizontal dropouts. Ratty paint is a plus but not a necessity.
ST - 56/57cm
TT - 55/55/56 cm
So that's around £200 for the complete bike, must be steel, 1" threaded, preferably something Russian, but not hugely fussy.