Why do you think OnGuard has a lower quality steel, because in practice it is not true, and the rest is classic stupid Kryptonite Power marketing.
Every good U-Lock must have double locking, there is no reason that people buy any Kryptonite U-Lock with a single U-shackle locking mechanism.
Today people have choise, because Kryptonite is not the only company that produces good U-Lock.
Giant SureLock Protector(X2P tag rebranded OnGuard Bulldog Series, X4P tag rebranded OnGuard Pitbull Series)
Zefal U-Lock( rebranded OnGuard Bulldog Series)
Here's a great example Kryptonite Power Marketing in action, weak or inadequate bolt cuters vs Kryptonite Evolution 4 Series= Kryptonite is unbeatable.;)
on guard bulldogs a cheap, good, light mini D. steels probably not as good but double locking.
You could leave your locks at uni and for uber security get an alarmed motorcycle disc lock. use it on the chainring. Even if you dont arm it, it still looks pretty scary secure.