Fair enough, a single generation is only needed for an evolutionary effect.
So let me rephrase - the 90% of human evolution before farming, will likely be dominant over the 10% since.
Anatomically modern humans first appear in the fossil record in Africa
about 195,000 years ago, and studies of molecular biology give
evidence that the approximate time of divergence from the common
ancestor of all modern human populations was 200,000 years ago
Bruce - in short, it is unwise to make decisions on limited evidence - even if the evidence is obtained empirically.
eg: Recommend a low fat calorie restricted diet
results: western obesity
We don't currently have a complete understanding on what diet is optimal for human health, so noone should make any empirical recommendations.
Eitherway.. im 8% body fat and my mate is triathlon world champion.
Fair enough, a single generation is only needed for an evolutionary effect.
So let me rephrase - the 90% of human evolution before farming, will likely be dominant over the 10% since.
Bruce - in short, it is unwise to make decisions on limited evidence - even if the evidence is obtained empirically.
eg: Recommend a low fat calorie restricted diet
results: western obesity
We don't currently have a complete understanding on what diet is optimal for human health, so noone should make any empirical recommendations.
Eitherway.. im 8% body fat and my mate is triathlon world champion.