So, yesterday I thought I was doing a completely different project to the one that this is going to end up being!
This is the frame
Which I'd planned on respraying UPS brown for a mudguarded sensible looking winter bike, after a few people in the Norwich forum suggesting that I was possibly mad for not making this into a lovely bike with ratty paint, I think it will now be becoming just that
Track ends being added as we speak
Might end up looking something like this
(apologies for the worst quality pic possible)
Can't decide on whether it should be black components or silver ones and gumwalls...
Or whether I should just ignore people's inputs and paint it and make it into the bike I originally had the idea to do?
So, yesterday I thought I was doing a completely different project to the one that this is going to end up being!
This is the frame
Which I'd planned on respraying UPS brown for a mudguarded sensible looking winter bike, after a few people in the Norwich forum suggesting that I was possibly mad for not making this into a lovely bike with ratty paint, I think it will now be becoming just that
Track ends being added as we speak
Might end up looking something like this
(apologies for the worst quality pic possible)
Can't decide on whether it should be black components or silver ones and gumwalls...
Or whether I should just ignore people's inputs and paint it and make it into the bike I originally had the idea to do?