• 28/09/14 All remaining items packed onto a box and onto a boat. Thanks everyone for your interest, hope to be back in the UK soon!

    So in a nutshell, I’m being recalled back to Australia for a new job and I guess it’s the point in
    time when I have to do a mild declutter to pack up my life and move again.



    • Grease pot, 2 quid, walkmanman
    • Bar tape/end cap remnants, freecycle, walkmanman
    • Wellgo plastic pedals, freecycle, walkmanman
    • Lezyne chain whip and lock ring tool, 10 quid, Gonzalez
    • Campagnolo Proton front wheel, 40 quid, zaplapl
    • Pump free cycle and toolkit 5 quid, robertyoghurt
    • Langster wheelset, 20 quid, jesm_

    Edit: added prices
    Edit 2,3: sold list
    Edit 4: added second set of bullhorns
    Edit 5, 6: sold list
    Edit 7: avid clamp diameter
    Edit 8: New items, remaining prices -50%
    Edit 9: sold list
    Edit 10: All remaining items packed into a box and put on a boat. Thanks all.
