• Having a bit of a clear out so have a bunch of bits going spare or that I no longer need or want.

    1. DZR Midnight SPD shoes, Size 41 - £20
    Used, not abused.

    3. Fizik Saddle Bag S - £5
    Pretty small saddle bag, good for puncture repair kit, spare tube or whatever.

    4. Nitto B201 Risers - £10
    Couple of scratches which would be covered by grips so no biggie. Uncut.

    6. Planet X Overshoes XL - £10
    Never used, bought new from North London Light.

    7. Tange A-Headset - £5
    Brand new.

    8. Black Front Calliper - £5
    Was mis-sold this but never got round to returning it. Plenty of life left in the pads.

    9. Derailleur sets - £2 each
    Got two Shimano, one SIS, one Tourney and one Saches Hurret.

    10. Weinmann 570 Front Calliper - £2
    Silver, works fine.

    12. Skull Candy Low Rider Headphones - £5
    Work well, fold down which is pretty handy.

    13. Camping pots and pans - free
    2 pots and 2 pans with holder and bowl. Fit inside each other pretty well so as to not take up too much space.

    14. DSLR Cameras and Photography for Dummies - £5
    Couple of patchy bits on rear cover where got stuck to something, book itself is pretty mint.

    16. Nike Sweater - £5
    Medium, greay, nike in big black letters across the front.

    17. Ortlieb Rear Roller Classic Panniers Grey - £70
    Used twice as far as I can remember. Only one shoulder strap.
