• I'm not denying any kind of tragedy, and this is the kind of blanket refusal to acknowledge the venal realities of the world as it is that helps perpetuate dumb horror and cynicism. As for the banality of evil, Saudi Arabia's decapitated more people this year than ever for actions that wouldn't even get community service in the UK.

    I don't see how challenging a mass media narrative on a cycling forum changes this fact, and that's even before you contradict yourself by saying I'm 'detracting' from 'banality'. If its so boring or mundane how exactly is this event so significant in the development of US policy in Iraq as it forces them to re-engage with military action?

    It seems naive to refuse to consider that all kinds of people have a vested interest in how this event plays out in the media with its resulting effects in steering political action, and will capitalise on it the best way they can to steer the narrative their way, even if it means faking a video or two as a means to achieve a wider goal.

    James Foley is dead either way, and for those who knew and loved him that's tragic, I don't think anyone would disagree with that.

  • If its so boring or mundane how exactly is this event so significant in the development of US policy in Iraq as it forces them to re-engage with military action?

    The beheading took place after the US had already engaged in military action in Iraq. The atrocities committed by ISIS have been regularly in the news this year*. The events in Iraq would have served as a sufficient justification anyway if Obama had decided that it's something he wants to do**.

    *Tinfoil translation: the Western Propaganda Campaign.
    **Tinfoil translation: the Economic Powers whose puppet Obama is.

  • So you're saying that the release of this video in no way influenced public perception of this re-engagement?

    If it did, why is it tinfoil hat to suggest that it is well within the bounds of possibility that one side of a conflict will use false information to leverage advantage over another? It's been happening in Syria for years now.
