I got my first clone yesterday - a GP Heron knock off. Holy crap - it's amazeballs. Pretty sure I'd like to buy the real thing for the better contacts and improved threading / lack of having to drill out the bell to 3mm to stop the gurgling.
Vapourart want 208EUR for the Heron, 18650 tube and v3 switch. Finding it hard to resist. The clone is fine, but it's not likely to be performing like the real thing. I even like this better than my Kayfun or Origen, neither of which are clones.
I got my first clone yesterday - a GP Heron knock off. Holy crap - it's amazeballs. Pretty sure I'd like to buy the real thing for the better contacts and improved threading / lack of having to drill out the bell to 3mm to stop the gurgling.
Vapourart want 208EUR for the Heron, 18650 tube and v3 switch. Finding it hard to resist. The clone is fine, but it's not likely to be performing like the real thing. I even like this better than my Kayfun or Origen, neither of which are clones.