OK, so I'll confess I skimmed a couple of pages that had far too much code and arguing about ideal kerning for my liking...
I follow the logic on line length and if the evidence suggests this is ideal, then fine, but the feeling and also appearance of wasted space is a turn off. If the conversation itself should be this narrow, is there anything that could fill up the space (most obviously to the right where I see a lovely grey rectangle)? I can't think of anything good right now, but at the moment it does look a little like a website someone made in Word and then realised A4 isn't the same aspect ratio as most screens.
Inb4 "turn it portrait". No-one does that. Plus this is a laptop.
OK, so I'll confess I skimmed a couple of pages that had far too much code and arguing about ideal kerning for my liking...
I follow the logic on line length and if the evidence suggests this is ideal, then fine, but the feeling and also appearance of wasted space is a turn off. If the conversation itself should be this narrow, is there anything that could fill up the space (most obviously to the right where I see a lovely grey rectangle)? I can't think of anything good right now, but at the moment it does look a little like a website someone made in Word and then realised A4 isn't the same aspect ratio as most screens.
Inb4 "turn it portrait". No-one does that. Plus this is a laptop.