• #10527
I hate pigeons, always in the bloody way.
• #10529
pigeons should wear lights, reflective clothing and little pigeon helmets.
• #10530
Pigeons should die en masse, more like it. I fucking loathe pigeons.
• #10531
And they should pay pigeon tax.
• #10532
surely air tax?
• #10533
statue tax. get it right.
• #10534
You should all just not give a shit
• #10535
I could. Just because one person on a bike has fucked you off doesn't mean that all people on bikes are cunts. And if someone is too dim to take that into account whilst driving their car then they shouldn't be fucking driving a car.
there are a fucktonne of people out there who shouldn't be driving a car
• #10536
As someone that cycles, then, what are my responsibilities towards you - another person that cycles?
Me personally? Don't endanger me if we ever meet on the road. That's about it to me personally.
I mean, I will enrage some drivers just by existing on a bicycle. By being a part of the gestalt urban peloton, I am causing some poor schmuck to be bipped and driven at.
That's not part of your repsonsibility. It's their responsibility not to get wound up by others for doing what they (the others) are legitimately allowed to do. Driver should consider Highway Code Rule 147.
And if I take primary, then woe fucking betide thebpoor sod later in the day that gets driven to the curb because they should be taught a lesson.
Nope. Again, you don't have to guess how others will overreact to you doing something perfectly legit. Put the straw man away.
• #10537
That's about it to me personally.
But we're talking about collective responsibility. Surely I have more than just a direct responsibility to directly increase any risks to you. My running a red light, slapping a car, punching a pedestrian or shitting on a car bonnet all have consequences, with the next driver using my actions as justification for their later actions. That's what's being proposed upthread, no?
That's not part of your repsonsibility. It's their responsibility not to get wound up by others for doing what they (the others) are legitimately allowed to do. Driver should consider Highway Code Rule 147.
Legit in who's eyes? The cyclist? The driver's? The law's? A slap on the bonnet, for example, is entirely lawful and legit, per rulings in the High Court.
Drivers should surely be considerate to other road users at all time, no? Or does witnessing a cyclist jump a red light obviate the need to be considerate later on in the day?
Put the straw man away.
Where's the straw man? Substitute RLJ / bonnet slap for ride in primary / exist as a cyclist, and the point remains the same.
Nope. Again, you don't have to guess how others will overreact to you doing something perfectly legit.
Apparently you do though. Because responsibility it conferred by those doing the blaming.
As someone once said:
It's the stereotypes that are used in the collective blaming that define the collectives that should be responsible
So let's define what this collective cyclist responsibility is then. As a responsible and considerate cyclist, I need to know.
• #10538
Where's the straw man? Substitute RLJ / bonnet slap for ride in primary / exist as a cyclist, and the point remains the same.
I dont think slapping a bonnet and existing as a cyclist are the same.
• #10539
I don't slap bonnets because I don't want the driver to run me over in revenge. I don't try and predict how it might affect anybody else.
• #10540
Calling myself out. I was a class A prick this morning. I deserved to be kidney punched.
• #10541
Is there a thread for calling out trainwankers?
Had a woman complain to me about my four year old running around and having fun on a near empty train... Now I write that out I worry there is something socially unacceptable about a small child running up and down a carriage laughing?
Best bit was after she had a go and I laughed in her face saying I wasn't doing anything because I liked the sound of my son laughing, she got off the train... Maybe all that happiness forced her off, but I would have moved to the next carriage rather than heading for the train exit...
I had a bike with me, do I need to worry about her going out and running over a cyclist now?
• #10542
I'm calling myself out too, rode south over London Bridge and saw a bus swerve at a cyclist just as we all came to the red light at the end of the bridge. Then the bus driver started mouthing off at the cyclist so I turned around and started giving him some back thinking the small group of cyclists would appreciate me sticking up for them. They didn't. And I just looked like a cunt. Bus driver was still a complete nutter though. I'm not sure he was legally sane
• #10543
^ Acting on a sense of collective responsibility :)
The concept exists. But best as Human 1st, everything else (Cyclist, Driver, Vegan, Libitarian, Librarian, Jihadist etc) should follow somewhere way behind.
• #10544
@Vanneau Agreed, It's not collective responsibility. But, the president of a club/organisation/other should lead by example and set the standards that person wants the club/..../ to follow. we should't be judged by his actions but his actions should be correct as he is in a position of seniority within his organisation
• #10545
• #10546
Well, quite, and as has already been proved in Snow's case, the media take a lot of interest.
• #10547
Bus driver was still a complete nutter though. I'm not sure he was legally sane
Sounds worthy of a quick mail to TFL, if you got his number
• #10548
It's a train not a playground.
• #10549
It's a train, not your limo.
• #10550
I was in a bike shop yesterday trying to buy some chain lube and a guy was just letting his two kids leg it round the shop and scream as loud as they could. I was tempted to trip them over.
If it makes greenhell feel better, then the one full-time professional "cycling campaigner" I've ever crossed paths with was a prize cunt. This wasn't even in a cycling context.