2014 marks the Vegan Society's 70th birthday, and at VegfestUK London we'll be giving them our full support. Over the past 70 years, the Society has promoted veganism far and wide and made the vegan lifestyle accessible to the public through their trademarks, education materials and merchandise. At our London show, the Society will organise collections on exit, as well as hosting a number of interesting talks and demos, and displaying plenty of useful info and attractive merchandise at their stall downstairs...."
"The Vegan Society – guests of honour
2014 marks the Vegan Society's 70th birthday, and at VegfestUK London we'll be giving them our full support. Over the past 70 years, the Society has promoted veganism far and wide and made the vegan lifestyle accessible to the public through their trademarks, education materials and merchandise. At our London show, the Society will organise collections on exit, as well as hosting a number of interesting talks and demos, and displaying plenty of useful info and attractive merchandise at their stall downstairs...."