the police get surplus military gear such as assault rifles, etc free from the army in the US
4.6 billion dollars worth since 1997. Half a billion dollars worth in 2013 alone. Everything from small arms and office equipment up to grenade launchers and armoured vehicles. I suppose if you decide that you're going to fight a 'war on drugs' and a 'war on terrorism' and a war on whatever else it is you don't like then you need an army to fight that war. Madness.
Also, in a last week's big new story and this week's big news story crossover, turns out that once upon a time the Ferguson police chief went to Israel to do some training with the IDF.
I can't get on to the last page, so apologies if this was already posted, but John Oliver's bit on the militarization of the police is fantastic
It seems the police get surplus military gear such as assault rifles, etc free from the army in the US and I guess once you have the toys you may as well play with them.
Interesting when compared to the various protests and riots in London over the past few years. There were plenty of complaints about the baton charges, kettling, etc but the US response seems a whole different scale. (Not that I'm agreeing with the UK approach, more that the US is even more disproportionate.)