Motorists who hate us don't hate us because some of us skip red lights. That's just an after the fact rationalisation they come up with to justify their irrational bullshit. If we all obeyed the law, they'd hate us for not paying road tax, or because we wear lycra or because we're on roads they perceive as belonging to them, slowing them down and making them uncomfortably aware of how lethal their normally reassuring car can be.
Cyclist-hating motorists. They're all bastards, aren't they. Making sweeping generalisations about cyclists.
I'm not sure what your point is here, but it kind of sounds like you're saying that some of the responsibility for the death of Michael Brown lies somewhere other than in the hands of the racist police who shot him. Like maybe if some sections of the black community weren't "low lives" then those police wouldn't have had reason to be racist and randomly shoot an innocent black guy. If that is your point, then we are never going to see eye to eye.
Also, whilst we're bandying around accusations of utopian thinking, if you really believe that in the unlikely scenario that tomorrow morning every cyclist hits the street and never breaks another law or contravenes a section of the highway code again, if you believe that scenario would have some massive impact on the amount of shit cyclists get from motorists then you are Thomas More AICMFP.
Motorists who hate us don't hate us because some of us skip red lights. That's just an after the fact rationalisation they come up with to justify their irrational bullshit. If we all obeyed the law, they'd hate us for not paying road tax, or because we wear lycra or because we're on roads they perceive as belonging to them, slowing them down and making them uncomfortably aware of how lethal their normally reassuring car can be.