No. Racists need to stop being racist. Otherwise you're implicitly accepting the racist proposition that you can judge people by the racial group that they belong to.
Like, white men who don't cycle or do anything vaguely out-group-y never have to deal with this shit. If some white dude does something dickish, everyone just calls them out for being a dick. "That was a dick move, dude." Not, "Dude that was a dick move and you're giving white guys a bad name." Because white guys get the privilege of being judged as individuals. But if you're a woman, or from a racial minority or you cycle then all of a sudden you're supposed to bear this extra level of shame for your mistakes or bad behaviour. Because people think it's ok to judge women/racial minorities/cyclists as a group. But that doesn't mean you do have that extra level of responsibility. It just means that people are assholes. And yeah, you can get all 'Well, people will always be assholes and we don't live in utopia so you should mind your step anyway'. But the better thing to do is stop giving credence to assholes. Because fuck those people.
But it's misplaced responsibility. If that person is a dim-witted asshole then that is their problem and why does anyone else have to try and make amends for that?
It's like if someone you knew got mugged by an some Asian kid and then decided that they hated all Asian kids. You wouldn't think that was ok. Not in this world, let alone an ideal one.
And the answer to that not being ok is for that imaginary person you knew to stop being a racist asshole. Not to go around telling Asian kids that they need to straighten out their act because there's people out there who will judge them as a group rather than on an individual-by-individual basis.
And yes, the imaginary Asian kid did a bad thing and shouldn't have mugged the imaginary person you knew. But not because it would make other imaginary Asian kids look bad and "dear god think of the responsibility you have towards your people", but because mugging people is wrong*.
Similarly, yeah, you shouldn't ride like a dick. But only because riding like a dick is in itself dickish. That's the end of the story. Dick moves are dick moves. This collective responsibility nonsense is exactly that.
*except for grannies obvs. Mugging grannies = lulz.