Could just be the way the two ends of the coil wire are insulated in the microcoil. They're usually separated by a rubber grommet and if it is sitting too proud, tightening the battery right down distorts the grommet causing a short. If its the type with replaceable micro coils just get a few spares. Chances are the next one will be fine and the one after just as bad. Not outstanding QC in such cheap and disposable items.
See one of my recent posts, had the same issue with the first coil in my Aerotank mini. Has happened a couple of times. But then other coils haven't been a problem.
Could just be the way the two ends of the coil wire are insulated in the microcoil. They're usually separated by a rubber grommet and if it is sitting too proud, tightening the battery right down distorts the grommet causing a short. If its the type with replaceable micro coils just get a few spares. Chances are the next one will be fine and the one after just as bad. Not outstanding QC in such cheap and disposable items.
See one of my recent posts, had the same issue with the first coil in my Aerotank mini. Has happened a couple of times. But then other coils haven't been a problem.