Theres a very handy video/motion analysis tool called Kinovea where you can assess your angles (if you know what to look for). Basically take a side profile video clip while you're on a turbo or rollers and measure away. It helps if you place some reference dots on your Greater trochanter (hip dot), end of Femur (knee dot) and a dot on your ankle.
If you're totally at a loss regarding bikefit you can phone and ask for me (Nigel) at Cadence performance. Its the best time/money you'll ever spend on Cycling.
Theres a very handy video/motion analysis tool called Kinovea where you can assess your angles (if you know what to look for). Basically take a side profile video clip while you're on a turbo or rollers and measure away. It helps if you place some reference dots on your Greater trochanter (hip dot), end of Femur (knee dot) and a dot on your ankle.
If you're totally at a loss regarding bikefit you can phone and ask for me (Nigel) at Cadence performance. Its the best time/money you'll ever spend on Cycling.