I had planned to ride 100 miles with my pannier up 12 of Kents finest hills as my final ride before LEJOG. I got to the 100 kilometer mark and just wasn't feeling it due to getting drenched/gusting winds so go the train back from Otford to Victoria. I did notice that the Samaritans had been out in force putting up their number on most of the major road crossings. http://app.strava.com/activities/178377639
I had planned to ride 100 miles with my pannier up 12 of Kents finest hills as my final ride before LEJOG. I got to the 100 kilometer mark and just wasn't feeling it due to getting drenched/gusting winds so go the train back from Otford to Victoria. I did notice that the Samaritans had been out in force putting up their number on most of the major road crossings.