Ah, made the assumption from your previous posts.
I've found several photos for the MSR inner pitched, but I'd guess you need that to hold the top cross-pole in place... Lots of sites talking about the Hubba vs Tarp Tents so I guess maybe your options are inner or full pitch... Hopefully you can prove my guess work wrong again!
Edit: After more searching I've just found a picture of the Hubba NX pitched 'fly only' on the MSR site itself... oops!!
Edit: After more searching I've just found a picture of the Hubba NX pitched 'fly only' on the MSR site itself... oops!!
Bastard, that's five minutes of my free time I won't get back.
To be fair, that picture have a groundsheet, which you need to buy seperately in order to prop the tent like a tarp.
@Cupcakes > Snugpak Travelpak at a guess..
Nope, my dad lend me his sleeping bag which is the Mountain Equipment Xero 250, tiny bit bigger than my Snugpak but with down.
Think you can, let me give it a crack in the sitting room.