During its more than 200 year history, homeopathy has proven highly effective in epidemics, both as regards cure and prevention, with well-documented success rates in, among others, scarlet fever, polio, cholera and flu epidemics, and offers a viable alternative to standard vaccination called
Unfortunately no test adhering to scientific standards has ever demonstrated that homeopathie provides anything more, at best, than a placebo effect. With a worldwide turnover measured in billions, homeopathie proves to be a rather popular fraud... The belief in its "power" is so strong that many heath insurrance companies the world over have given in to even ...
But just imagine if Benveniste's quak https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kZkQtHDLE-w
worked... Treat sickness such as malaria, HIV, ebola throught the Internet! :-) Another conspiracy from the Pharma giants?
are your internal organs liquefying causing you to weep blood as you die a slow, agonising death? then have this miniature blue smartie filled with stardust and happy thoughts and be cured, lal!