My name is Matt and I'm a bikeaholic.
I first realized I had a problem when I couldn't get up to piss in the morning without tripping over a crank or knocking over a wheel set.
Like so many bikeaholics I was introduced to bikes at a very young age, I taught myself to ride a bike at around 7 or 8 and the addiction started when I got my first bike, a Raleigh Record at 10 years old. I managed to keep a hold of this addiction having only 1 or 2 bikes (3 max) for most of my life but as is often the case when I stopped smoking a year ago I simply surplanted one addiction with another and now all of my spare money goes on bikes, I've taken to hiding cassettes around the house, I've spent a small fortune on saddles that I like the look of but will never use, my kitchen is being slowly taken over by used tires and inner tubes that I can't bear to throw away even if they are unusable. I realize the severity of my problem but simply can't stop looking at the classifieds and arguing with myself making excuses to buy yet another bike, (perhaps a cyclocross as I used to have a lovely hand built Dan Shotton that I swapped for a guitar and amplifier when I was 16 and although I have a half decent mountain bike I can't help thinking that it would be fun racing around the woods without carrying all the weight of a suspension et al). It's great to find this place and see that I'm not entirely alone. Here pictured are some the most photogenic of my bikes and me at work.........
My name is Matt and I'm a bikeaholic.
I first realized I had a problem when I couldn't get up to piss in the morning without tripping over a crank or knocking over a wheel set.
Like so many bikeaholics I was introduced to bikes at a very young age, I taught myself to ride a bike at around 7 or 8 and the addiction started when I got my first bike, a Raleigh Record at 10 years old. I managed to keep a hold of this addiction having only 1 or 2 bikes (3 max) for most of my life but as is often the case when I stopped smoking a year ago I simply surplanted one addiction with another and now all of my spare money goes on bikes, I've taken to hiding cassettes around the house, I've spent a small fortune on saddles that I like the look of but will never use, my kitchen is being slowly taken over by used tires and inner tubes that I can't bear to throw away even if they are unusable. I realize the severity of my problem but simply can't stop looking at the classifieds and arguing with myself making excuses to buy yet another bike, (perhaps a cyclocross as I used to have a lovely hand built Dan Shotton that I swapped for a guitar and amplifier when I was 16 and although I have a half decent mountain bike I can't help thinking that it would be fun racing around the woods without carrying all the weight of a suspension et al). It's great to find this place and see that I'm not entirely alone. Here pictured are some the most photogenic of my bikes and me at work.........
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